Kaspersky Tweak Pack v.1.2
Kaspersky Tweak Pack - the super collection of all utilities for work with Kaspersky's Antivirus.Kaspersky Tweak Pack - the super collection of all utilities for work with Kaspersky's Antivirus. The collection included miscellaneous utilities, beginning from adjustment Kaspersky and finishing reception of a licence key...
(Should be at everyone!!!)
(Should be at everyone!!!)
CUCANCHIC KIS 2.03 - for reception of keys of activation from a site каспе?ского, cleans trial a product, we change beta on final and for a turn, a frost 30 day trials, etc.
Keys manager 0.21 - the program is intended for sorting of any quantity of keys with simultaneous check of their period of validity and entering in "the Black list". "The black list" undertakes from Casper. Very convenient program!
KasperskyTrialReset - dump trial.
KIS Tweak Util 1.999.47.223 - change of not documentary parametres in Antivirus options. Also - possibility of performance of some service functions which are realised by regular means in the Antivirus only by means of console management, or are not realised at all. Search and removal of the incompatible software (as a rule, other antiviruses and network screens). Restoration of working capacity after connection skins, not intended for the used version of the Antivirus. Creation of bases of signatures for local updating. (For work т?ебуеться.NetFramework 2.0).
KasperskyKeysMonitor 0.7.83 - work with the black list (analogue Keys manager).
KavKisKeyDownloader - the program for reception of keys from the Internet.
Kaspersky Tester Toolkit (KTT) - it is intended for the organisation of convenient beta testing of products KAV/KIS. It is integrated in a product without self-defence (!) switching-off. Thanks to built in plug-ins, she creates mirrors for updating KAV/KIS, sends files of traces, automatically compressing damp to memory, carries out gathering of the information on a product.
Kaspersky Tuning Wizard (KTW) - allows to find "problem" options in KAV/KIS and without problems to eliminate them, will prompt to the user about the switched off self-defence in KAV/KIS. Also the utility will help to collect the necessary information which is necessary for the reference in Service of technical support "Kaspersky's Laboratory".
Kaspersky InFormer - represents system global the notification and informings. As a matter of fact it is similar on RSS only essentially it surpasses. Especially I wish to note powerful system of optimisation of the traffic, the program swings only new messages.
KeyViewer - the program for viewing Information about keys.
Create Update Mirror (CUM) - cоздание mirrors of updatings from bases of the updatings established and correctly updated from servers «Kaspersky's Laboratory» of an anti-virus product, for the subsequent updating of an identical product from locally located catalogue (a mirror of updatings).
KAVremover 9 - the irreplaceable program for full removal Kaspersky. If you have put the password on каспе?ского and have forgotten, the given program will help to cope with it.
FrostKisInkognito - a frost of the trial period of 30 days (at a frost trial 90 days - fly).
AvpIndexLog - gathering of the information on the established product.
DeleteKey - full removal of a key - that condition as though you just Installation the Antivirus.
Kaspersky Key Monitor (checks keys of the black list) - kaspersky finds out it as malware HackTool. Win32. Agent.cx ~ use on your risk
+ the list of servers for updating
+ trial a key for 90 days
+ a site for reception of a personal key for 3 months
+ a code of activation for KIS 7.0 for 1 year till 2.05.2009
+ a selection of keys to Kaspersky's products are checked up on 10.07.08
The list of changes in version 1.2:
- It is updated CUCANCHIC KIS to version 2.03
- It is updated Keys manager 0.21
- The code of activation for KIS 7.0 for 1 year till 2.05.2009 is added
- It is added KasperskyKeysMonitor 0.7.83- It is added DeleteKey
- It is added KavKisKeyDownloader
- The selection of keys to Kaspersky's products is added are checked up on 10.07.08(All programs are checked up - work!)